Well, Oak has managed to escape without any injuries. Thank goodness. She is loving dance and preschool, and actually writes her name legibly now. She sings through my belly to her baby brother every day, and informed me today that I am "finally getting it" (a belly). She is still a very girlie girl, and addresses her prayers to "Our Heavenly Cutesie Father", and blesses us all that we will be "beautiful" and "handsome", and "love everyone inthe world". She is a crack up.
The other day, a mean old man at the grocery store shoved a basket into me, because he thought I was butting in line. She informed him that her "Papa and Bompa would NEVER do something mean like that", and that he needed to tell me sorry. He apologized, and she continued to point him out until we left the store. She is so cute, and we love her one of a kind personality.
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